Sales Training Tips – Tailoring Your Proposal to Fit Your Customers Needs

Prior Research + Customer questioning + Tailored proposal = A Sale

A good salesperson will make their product and pitch fit their customer. They will take the time to learn about their customer, whether it be through initial research or through questioning they will assess what is important to their potential customer before going in for the sale. There are some rules of sales that should not be ignored.

Prior Research:
Research is an essential part of any sales role, the opportunity should be taken to research a potential customer before they are approached, learn as much as possible from all resources such as the internet or even colleagues. This will help a salesperson to build initial rapport with any potential customer as they are instantly credible and have clearly taken real interest.

Customer Questioning:
The use of high gain open questions with a customer will help a salesperson understand what is important to them when considering new products or services, what standards they expect, what timescale they work to and who is involved in the decision process

A salesperson should let the customer speak and listen for signals of interest, a good rule to adopt is the 80/20 rule, let the customer speak for 80% of the time in response to good questioning. It is human nature to like talking about yourself and a customer will not be excluded from this rule so the opportunity should be taken to play on this to gain as much insight into a customer as possible to help make a sale.

Through questioning a salesperson should help the customer realize a need or problem and then offer a solution, if the customer highlights the need themselves half of a salesperson’s job is done.

Tailored Proposal:
Any proposal should be tailored to the audience and play to their interest, if a customer likes to talk numbers they will be offered numbers and if they like talking status matching benefits will be highlighted. A good salesperson will use everything they have learned through questioning to ensure that the proposal appeals to their customer and that it plays on the identified areas of interest.

Ask for the Sale:
A simple step that is overlooked far too often.  Simply asking for the sale will increase your closes exponentially.  Don’t forget this; simply ask for the sale. 

Learn these simple steps and get out there and close more business today!

Are you interested in selling Verizon Wireless services? Call us at (855) SELL-VZW or fill out the form below.  We look forward to talking to you soon!

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