If you've been alive during the last 10 years then the chances are that you've been 'pitched' by a salesperson numerous times. You probably knew what was going on and…
Regardless of whether you're selling sprockets, widgets, ice cream or smartphones, you can be sure you're not the only one selling it. Here's two sure-fire steps you can take that…
Closing skills will be a great persuasive tool to get under your belt, and the sooner you do so the better. Remember, as the salesperson, whether you're selling a product…
I don't know of an organization that does not want its salespeople to cross-sell. The big question is why it is so difficult to successfully implement a cross-sell strategy, especially…
Most novice or untrained salespeople make the same three mistakes. In brief, they are; They don't identify their target market and end up trying to sell to anyone and everyone.…
A slow economy is a difficult time for business and no salesperson welcomes it. As total business volume slumps, triggering apprehension of deeper recession and pessimism and uncertainty can prevail.…
Since "nothing happens until a sale is made", and, since all sales come from leads, then leads are what makes everything happen. Therefore, leads (access to interested customers) are a…
When people are asked to think of less than successful salesman, one of the unpleasant characteristics that springs to mind is them being pushy or aggressive. The usual memory is…
How effective are the messages that YOU leave for your prospects? Your prospects form an opinion about you and your company every time you contact them. In fact, the messages…
What are you doing now to try and set up an appointment with your prospect? Calling? Is that all? Guess what? Every other salesperson is doing the same thing. They're trying…