Rick wants to live in an ideal world filled with keyboards that resist coffee spills, music that actually sounds like music, and an unlimited abundance of perfect cigars for never-ending perfect moments.
Rick is a sales and marketing professional with more than 20 years of experience in the telecom industry, much of it heavily engaged in channel sales. He’s worked on campaigns for all of America’s major wireless carriers
Rick’s unique ability to visualize the complete sales cycle of a product or service, and to execute through creative and successful marketing materials – whether traditional or digital – has led to his ongoing successes.
When he’s not selling or creating marketing materials that help sales agents close more business, you’ll find him smoking a cigar in his man-cave patio listening to Pink Floyd or Miles Davis. Or out with his wife scouring the eleventy-bajillionth antique store.
In the competitive market of sales, it is vitally important to develop skills and tricks to set yourself apart from other sellers. One of the most important abilities to have…
This blog shows you how to open doors you assumed were already closed. Salespeople sometimes make the mistake of assuming they understand the motive behind a prospect's question and jump…
Only one-third of the speaker's meaning is conveyed by words. Two-thirds is conveyed by body language, indicating emotional tone. Listening will directly impact your potential for sales and prospecting for…
Listening is one of the most underdeveloped skills in sales and entrepreneurship. When I say listening, I mean really listening. Most people in America are what I call average listeners.…
Remember to stay away from these top ten sales killers and #3 is so important! 10: Driving all Day Spend the minimum amount of time traveling and the maximum amount…
One of the most challenging, if not the most difficult piece of the business development puzzle in a sale is - Trust. Trust today is truly the pivotal point of…
The old adage "when everybody's your customer, nobody's your customer" is absolutely true and profoundly important. Only giant companies have the resources necessary to try and market a product to…
Would you find it easier to get a sale if you could read your customer's mind? Assuming you said yes, here's how to do it. Ask the right questions and…
"Texas Hold'em" has gained a large following. A countless number of people, young and old are playing it. Only the true elite are really making the top money. They earn…